Thursday, May 31, 2007


Three days of actions, May 28, 29, 30 at the gates of Faslane Royal Navy Base for the Trident submarine. On Monday I danced with Dancers for Peace from 11:30 AM until 5:30, using many inspirations for life to counteract the nuclear warheads lethality. We sang many tunes for liberty.

On Tuesday four men and three women from Japan, Australia, England, Scotland, and the United States bound themselves in a circle to block the North gate, while the American Gandhi stood facing them and the base.

Message: The words of Gandhi to Margaret Burke-White hours before the assassination in answer to the question, "What do you think of the Atom Bomb?" "Nonviolence is the most powerful weapon, stronger than any weapon made. If humanity does not get rid of the Atom Bomb, I do not see much future for the human species." The American Gandhi added words to the effect: "Truth is our way. We live by truth. Love is clinging to the truth with unwillingness to harm another. Nuclear weapons, biological weapons, weapons of mass destruction counter truth and love." And, Gandhi's words were repeated, as the circle was carried away to the waiting police vans. Then, the police approached Gandhi and asked him to leave the road. I said, "I am with them." "You will be arrested." Gandhi spent the night in Dunbarton jail with the others.

On Wednesday, four repeaters and two others tube locked themselves blocking the road to the South Gate. After the tubes were cut open, they too were carried to the vans and to jail for the night.

The police conducted themselves with the utmost courtesy.

Much more could and will be written about these few days. I must add the my arresting officer said the my portrayal was "most effective." Others used the word "amazing." All involved are possessed with amazing grace, one of our songs.

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