Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Sendoff

On Tuesday evening EARTH'S HEALING HEARTS DRUMMERS gave me a powerful sendoff at Traditions Fair Trade in Olympia, Washington. The program was titled: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?? and asked questions like "How do we survive during these times of great change?" and "where do we go from here to create peace?"

The speakers addressed them from many perspectives. Indigenous persons told stories befitting the ancient ways of tribal societies. Local activists analyzed some of the complexities of societal life today. The Women In Black stated their silent presence to remember the violent death from oppression and war. Everyone wanted and sought peace. Song warmed our passionate hearts.

At the end of these moving statements, I was given a sendoff with gifts and ritual. I will feel the laying on of hands by the entire attendance (40 or so) in unison, each expressing their own prayer in low voice, as I journey during the next four months. I will carry and intone the healing heart drum given me to express the "earth's heartbeat" as I seek to be the "salt of the earth, the air, the water.

I intend to give some of the answers I have and discover when I "blog". "Blog" is a new word for me.

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